Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

West Orange considering charter change election

City of West Orange voters may be getting a chance this year to vote on whether to double the years in a term of city council members.

The West Orange City Council is considering whether to call a city charter change election to expand each term for mayor and six councilors to increase from two years to four years.

The city council under Mayor Randy Branch on Monday discussed the positive and negative effects that changing the length of terms would have. However, the council decided to table a decision for the next meeting.

City council and school board races across Texas will be on May 3. West Orange City Secretary Theresa Van Meter said the deadline to call a special election for that day will be February 14. The next city council meeting will be on February 10, so the council, if members choose, could have the charter change on the ballot with the council races.

Even if a charter change election is on the ballot for this year, the 2025 elections will remain the same. The West Orange City Council has six at-large council members plus the mayor. Each of the seven members serves a term of two years.

Positions open this year will be for mayor, currently held by Randy Branch, plus two at-large positions, one held by Brent Dearing and the now held by Meritta Kennedy, who also serves as mayor protem.

Filings for the 2025 city council election starts Wednesday, January 15, and runs through Friday, February 14. Candidates may file with City Secretary Van Meter during regular business hours at the West Orange City Hall.


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