Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


Back in February I wrote when gas prices were $3.87 a gallon that by years end it would be down to$3 or less. For two weeks I’ve been paying $3.

Also I predicted we would have no major storm in the Gulf. Thank God I was right in that one.

I predicted in the end, Speaker John Boehner would have to call for an up or down vote to end the Ted Cruz government shutdown and avoid going over the cliff on the debt ceiling.

The shutdown, lasting 16 days, cost our economy $24 billion.

Boehner was held hostage by the radical wing of his party.

Cruz even met secretly with some Tea Party house members urging them to plot a strategy to defy their Republican leader. The shutdown has been good for Cruz.

He has raised his personal profile and a lot of money.

Observers say Cruz’s success has a steep price for Republicans.Cruz also engaged in political theater such as escorting Texas veterans into the world war memorial with Sarah Palin and blaming the government for shutting down the memorials, when he was the most responsible for shutting down the government.

The Houston Chronicle last week took back their endorsement of Cruz, writing in their Wednesday edition,“When we endorsed Ted Cruz we did so with many reservations and at least one specific recommendation that he follow Sen.

Hutchnison’s example in his conduct as a senator.

Obviously he has not done so; he has been part of the problem.” That prompted Tom DeLay, on CNN, to accuse the Chronicle of being a liberal rag, even though they have endorsed DeLay in all of his races but the last one.

When asked, he said, “Absolutely, Ted Cruz is the leader of the Republican Party.” He meant Ted will lead them to the Promise Land.

I wonder how many Republican office holders or candidates are proud to say Rafael Edward Cruz is their leader and reflects their views.

I remember Joe McCarthy, George Wallace, and the KKK.

Their very popular times were short lived. Rafael’s time will also pass.

He has a 23 percent favorable rating and Hillary 59 percent.*****Gotta go.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


Bum Phillips was one of the rare people who comes along from time to time, like John Wayne. He made his mark not only as a coach but also as one of the true grit type country boys who rose to fame.

It was his demeanor off the field however, that he’s best remembered for.

Over the years, we published many of Bum stories.

Just a few weeks ago, on Bum’s 90 birthday, Sept. 29, Mark Dunn wrote about his life.

Mark, a photographer, had many occasions to film Coach Phillips, with many stars.

With his cowboy boots, hat and western wear he always stood out.

Several areas today lay claim to the country’s most famous Bum but it was in Orange, where his baby sister gave him the nickname Bum that he always called home.

May he rest in peace.


John Garner, 82, who played Cowboy John on Channel 4 children’s show from 1957 to 1972, died Sunday, losing the battle to pancreatic cancer.

Garner and John Stevens, who played Black Bart, were favorites for kids throughout the Triangle, mine included.

Once a little girl threw up on herself and others around her and a little girl pointed to the floor and shouted, “Cowboy John, look at all the raisins.” What made the show go national however was when a little Black boy was laughing and John said he’d shoot his toe off if he didn’t tell what he was laughing at.

The boy responded, “Leroy fatted.” NBC picked the clip up and Huntley and Brinkley that evening said, “Goodnight Leroy, in Port Arthur, Texas." Services for Garner are pending at Clayton Thompson Funeral Home.

We understand initially Glenn Earl turned down the part of Cowboy John so it went to a new employee.


12 Years Ago-2001

A dozen years have gone by since Constable Parker “P.T.” Thompson averted a potential disaster at the courthouse.

Someone shouted “Hostage at the courthouse” and Thompson rushed to the second floor where jail inmate Keith Wayne Gonzales was holding Deputy Carla Spell and another prisoner, Curtis Green, in Judge Pat Clark’s courtroom.

Gonzales had overpowered Deputy Spells and took her weapon.

A Texas Ranger, a D.A. investigator and several sheriff deputies were outside the courtroom.

Someone told P.T. who the hostage taker was.

Thompson said, “I know that guy.” He had arrested Gonzales in the late 1970’s when he was a teenager for a burglary in Bridge City.

He went to the pen, got out, and went back.

Deputy Spell was taking him to court for a plea that would net him 33 years for a robbery of Larry’s Chevron on IH-10.He had been in the county jail 140 days.

Because Constable Thompson knew Gonzales well, he took over negotiations.

He talked to the 41 years old about the past and about God and pleaded with him to let the hostages go.

He released the inmate.

Thompson kept on talking. Gonzales had fired the gun twice before entering the courtroom, striking Deputy Faye Kirk in the lower leg.

Thompson kept talking. Gonzales had learned to weld in prison and had been working as a welder.

He had bought a new red pickup and had come by and showed it to Thompson. He respected the constable.

Thompson told him it wasn’t worth it and he would talk to him about what the problem was.

He told Thompson he needed psychological help and couldn’t get it.

He said he just couldn’t take it anymore and started crying.

That shook Thompson up not knowing what his next move would be.

Thompson kept on talking for 20 more minutes. Gonzales shackled himself to a courtroom bench and handed Deputy Spell her 357 caliber magnum revolver, gave up and it was over.

Judge Joe Parkhurst charged Gonzales with one count of kidnapping, assault on a peace office and attempted escape.

His attorney Joe Alford, after the ordeal, said he was surprised at his client’s action.

Alford had been appointed to represent him.

(Editor’s note: Since then, Constable Parker Thompson has passed away.

He was a hero on that day.

Peace officer Thompson had a gift of communicating and treating people right.

If Parker had not been around on that day, it’s likely a shoot out would have occurred.)

37 Years Ago-1976

Huey Simon just returned from an elk hunt in Meeker, Colo.

He bagged a six-point Royal elk.

*****Bill Clark, who is on the staff of Channel 4, will be doing a radio show Saturday morning onKLVI.

*****Rosalyn Carter visits area.

Mark Dunn gets good pictures.

Flo Edgerly is presented a beautiful arrangement of yellow roses, trimmed with peanuts, from Sue Pate, for her hard work in making Mrs. Carter’s visit a success.*****Celebrating a birthday this week is pretty Ann Lieby.

What a beauty she is.*****Chief of Police Wilson Roberts also has a birthday in a few days.*****“Pinehurst Linden,” the residence of the late Edgar Brown, Jr., will hold dedication and open house of the mansion when it officially becomes the Brown Center of Lamar University.*****New Bridge City police officers are sworn in by City Attorney H.D. Pate. Officers are Sterling Simoneaux and John Calvert J’Hnowski. (Editor’s note: I wonder what has become of them).*****Weldon’s Bakery, is located in Orange at 1006 ½ Park Ave.*****Pretty, long-legged Lynn Hall is out of the hospital and ready to boogie.*****Construction has begun on the Sonic Drive Inn on Texas Avenue in Bridge City, between P.S. Tire and Dr.

Barnett’s office.)*****Granger’s Seafood, 995 W. Roundbunch, now serving a large bowl of shrimp gumbo for $2.25, and also offering all-you-can-eat buffet for $1.85.*****The Bridge City Cards fall to Silsbee Tigers 20-7.*****Little Cypress-Mauriceville played mud bowl and loved it.

The Bears beat Crosby Cougars 47-0.

TheBears exploded for 21 first quarter points.

Wade Rachtik scored first.

Quarterback Teddy Gibbons threw a perfect 50-yard pass to split end Jet Toohey.

Mark Mortimer scored on a 21-yard pass interception and worked his way to a 38-yard touchdown.*****The Orange Junior Football BC Longhorns midget cheerleaders are Donna Fontenot, Taffy Laster, Shannon Stone, Lana Trahan, Teresa Perry, Misty Matte, Missy Miller, Kathy Fontenot, Lisa Trahan, Rana Matte, Carol Badon and Toby Sauage.***** The Little Cypress-Mauriceville Cub Pee Wee cheerleaders are Carolyn Goddard, Dora Navarro, Gretchen Craft, Traci Craft, Dawn Fuller, Brandy Willis, Karla Hudson and Angel Ellis.*****West Orange royalty are Beverly Mitchell, homecoming queen; Barbara Preston, first runner up; Rhonda Hodge, band sweetheart and Kathy Nelson, football sweetheart.*****Jarvis Buckley elected president of Lamar-Orange Student Government.

Oma Cox came in second.

Glen Procella elected vice-president.

*****Carl Thibodeaux celebrates a third anniversary of West Orange Pharmacy.

Employees are Francine Arthur and Evelyn Hughes.


Congrats to our friend attorney Jim Sharon Bearden and his new wife Cassie Caillouet.

The couple was married over the weekend in the hill country, on the banks of a historical river.

Many family and friends made the trip and had a great time.

Cassie is a lovely Bridge City girl who picked Jim for her first and last husband.

We wish them many happy, healthy years.*****In the local elections next year all Justice of the Peace officials, Judge Janice Menard, Judge Derry Dunn, Judge David Peck and Judge Rodney Price are running for re-election.

Few people realize how much work day and night goes into being a JP. Their work load is as much or more than any elected official.

Judge David Peck says, “It’s darn sure a fulltime job.”*****Rayford Jimerson, “Old Tall Pockets” still works out at the gym regularly.

He’s trying to live to 115.

I wouldn’t bet against it.

What a guy.

*****We ran into former State Representative, attorney Wayne Peveto.

He says he’s never been happier in his life doing what he loves to do.

That’s running his ranch.

He doesn’t miss the courtroom. Wayne is the grandfather of tax reform in Texas.

*****Mr. and Mrs. Feagin are having a big garage sale at 562 Hydrangea on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The Mrs. F.

said, “We are scaling down, that’s what old folks do.” She’s quite a character.

*****We understand Judy Messer Schumpf, one of Mark’s pretty sisters, had triple bi-pass surgery last week.

We wish her a speedy recovery.

*****Also our sweetheart Inez Hearne has been under the weather.

Our prayers are with her.

*****You know you’re in a Red Neck Church if the collection plates are really hubcaps from a ‘56 Chevy.

*****A few folks we know celebrating their special day in the next few days.

On Oct. 23, Judge Claude Wimberly, a man with a thousand stories, longtime Justice of the Peace, turns 79.

A young police sergeant, a 195 Pipefitter, and sitting on the bench has given him a rewarding life with his lovely wife Pauline.

Happy birthday Judge.***Also celebrating this day is Darryl and Greta’s boy, Eric Brinson, John Clark, Larry Myers and Sara Ethredge.***On Oct. 24, one of our bestest friends, who we worked with since she was 14 and who fought the newspaper grind with us for over 30 years celebrates.

She married David Fusilier, had three children and now is a grandmother.

Happiest of days Debbie.

Also celebrating is longtime friend Mary Stanton, always exciting to be around.

I guess when Don retired she did also.

Celebrating too is Bridge City football star Jordan Schamber, 18, and Tammy Scales.***Oct. 25 finds Sandi Huckaby, who spent several years with Debbie and the crew at the OVN producing newspapers, celebrating.

So does Ramona Scott and Roy Lee Helms. They share this day with James Carville, 69.

*****On Oct. 26, Toni Dyer celebrates as does Hunter Smith. They share birthdays with Keith Urban, 46 and Pat Sajak, 67.

Clay Dunn was born on this day in 1893.

***On Oct. 27, a couple of lovely women we are fortunate to know celebrate.

An amazing lady, Pearl Myers Burgess, turns 93.

What a trip she is.

Also a great friend, going back to when we were all too young to realize that someday we’d be old, Betty Harmon celebrates.

She and Ms.

Pearl never let age get in the way.

Also marking birthdays are David Dupuis, John Lumpkin and Becky Cooper.***On Oct. 28, these three stooges, Judge Don Burgess, Joe Kazmar and Ron Sigler all celebrate.

Also the lovely Heather Dubose and Derrick Cole.***Celebrating on Oct. 29are Emma Scott, Brock LeBlanc, Zach Corbello, Vicki Cormier and our longtime friend Reagan Dugas.

Happy birthday to all. Please see complete birthday list.

*****Ready for some baseball?Well, the World Series starts this Wednesday pitting the Boston Red Sox and the St. Louis Cardinals to be played at Fenway Park.

Red Sox are slim favorites but never count the Cardinals out.

The two teams have built plenty of history over the years and this series won’t be different.

I believe it will go the full seven games.

*****My football weekend was again disappointing.

The Aggies and LSU went down, the Texans lost and the only bright spot was the Cowboy win, not a pretty but a win is a win.

*****Local high school football is getting down to the nitty-gritty.

Only three games remain.

Bridge City will visit Hardin Jefferson, whose hosts are Coach Dwayne Dubois and his quarterback son Camden, both Bridge City natives.

It’s a must win for the Cards if they have any chance to make the playoffs.

*****West Orange-Stark and Silsbee have two spots locked up and two spots open.

The Cards have WO-S and Orangefield, in the Bayou Bowl, left. TheLittle Cypress-Mauriceville Bears have a good shot at the playoffs.

They need at least one more win.

They meet Lumberton this week and should win.

*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch dines at Robert’s this week and back at Novrozsky’s next week.

Everyone is always welcome. *****Think about this: No one ever says, “It’s only a game when their team is winning.”*****aNe Insurance is holding a customer appreciation at their office Oct. 25, 11 a.m.

to 2 p.m.

There will be plenty of refreshments, boudain, hot links and fellowship.

Y’all come.*****Coming soon on Hwy.

87 and Texas Ave. in Bridge City, across from Walmart is a large Racetrack store.*****A gallop poll says 58 percent of Americans now say Marijuana should be legalized.


Mittie Ledoux, Eric Brinson, Jewel Merchant, Jimmy Byrd, Laqueta McLellan, Lisa Stewart, Pat New, Sara Ethredge, Sarah Halliburton, Shery Martz, Thomas Fleming, Brandy Cardner, Danny Jennings, Lainey Zenos, Beth Wilson, John Clark, Larry Myers, Debbie Fusilier, Cheyenne Sweet, Bailey Berry, Ron Batchelor, Tammy Scales, Victoria Brown, Dale Morris, Darren Wilson, Jordan Schamber, Mary Stanton, Marilyn Fonthieu, Ramona Scott, Ramona Valentine, Connie Curphey, Mary Chamblee, Sandy Huckaby, Roy Lee Helm, Ken Soileau, Rachel Sanders, Tanner George, Connor Ziller, Evan Swenson, Phyllis Yeats, Deedra Wilson, Toni Dyer, Don Cummings, Geneva Buker, Hunter Smith, Rene Marsolan, Dan Sanders, Brent Burch, David Dupuis, John Lumpkin, Nathan Coffey, Pierce Butler, Pearl Stanfield, Betty Trantham, Betty Harmon, Becky Cooper, Derrick Cole, Chris Stone, Ronna Dickman, Ronnie Moerbe, Barbara McLellan, Cori Woodard, Heather Dubose, Beverly Brown, Don Burgess, Joe Kazmar, Ron Sigler, Brandon Allensworth, Emma Scott, Brock LeBlanc, Vicki Cormier, Zach Corbello.


Las Saturday, PeeWee Comeaux him, was sitting at the bar at TeeBoy’s Bar & Grill. He was plenty drunk him, wen he got up from da bar. He fall twice on his way to da bashroom. A few minutes later, a loud, blood-curdling scream came from da bashroom. In a little bit another scream dat shake da building was heard. TeeBoy him go see wat da drunk him was screaming bout.

TeeBoy say, “PeeWee, wat da hell you screaming bout, you scaring my customers?”

PeeWee say, “I’m jus sitting here on da toilet and every time I try to flush me something come up and squeeze da devil out of my privates, and boy it hurts.”

Tee Boy opens da door and looked in. Den he say, “PeeWee, you damn drunk idiot, you sitting on da mop bucket you.”


No big surprise that Congressman Steve Stockman would do something illegal.

His history is marred with incidents of legal controversy.

According to the Chronicle, in the latest campaign irregularity he lied to regulators about campaign donations.

It involved $15,000. Jane Dodd reported as having donated $7,500 in order to hide illegal money said, “I never sent any money, I didn’t do this.” Just one example of Stockman laundering dirty money.

Here’s a congressman “Ours” who has done nothing for his district.

He’s voted for nothing to advance the county.

He even voted against the Farm Bill and like Cruz, voted against helping the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Republicans will surely run someone against him in the primaries.

You will be surprised who one of the candidates will be.

Regardless, he needs to go. He can’t help us in any way and he’s poison to the Republican establishment. It’s $180,000 a year down a gar hole.

That’s what gerrymandering districts got us but I’m still surprised that Orange County voters fell for it.

Maybe it was a wake up call.

I know many Independents have seen the light and in time will bring changes.*****Well, I thank you for all the great response.

Please read us cover to cover, shop our family of advertisers and visit us on the web therecordlive.comlink. Don’t forget to buckle up.

Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs.

Have a nice week.

Take care and God bless.


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