Hometown News For Orange County, Texas

From the Creaux's Nest


The temperatures are expected to dip and last for a few days.

Hopefully Jack Frost will stay away but it’s time to pull out the jackets.

Over the weekend Ms.

Ginny was putting patches on “Neighbor” Cox’s longjohns.

Cox first got the longjohns in 1944, WWII issue.

For 70 years Ginny has mended patches on those longjohns.

Today they look like Dolly Parton’s coat of many colors.

She put the American flag on the back flap.

I’m not exactly sure what she put on the front flap.*****Speaking of old folks, 87 year old former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards earned a runoff spot in the 6th District Congressional race in the Baton Rouge area.

It’s a gerrymandered district that favors Republicans in a runoff.

There is no straight party voting in Louisiana.

In fact, there are only 16 states that have primaries and only seven states that have straight party voting, where you vote for the party not the person.

Texas is one of them.

Most straight party voters vote the top of the ticket, everyone else gets a free ride.

Sostan’s boy Ned could be on the ballot and get elected.

Can you imagine how many Neds, with no qualifications, get elected.

Most straight party voters have no idea who is on the ballot.

Remember this, someday, not too many years away, Republicans are going to be saying that straight party voting should be done away with.

The Hispanic and minority populations will continue to grow and all Democrats have to do is teach them how to straight party vote and listen to the Republicans squeal.

It’s coming sooner than you think.

*****Well, I’d better get going.

I’m running way behind.

Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm.


We should learn this week what senior judge Bert Richardson, of San Antonio, will rule in the Rick Perry case.

A Travis County grand jury indicted Perry on two counts, abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant.

Richard “Rick” Perry is accused of committing two felonies punishable by five to 99 years in prison.

Judge Richardson, who was elected to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals last week, is in the odd position of having appointed and sworn in special prosecutor Michael McCrum.

Now the Judge must decide on issues related to the oath he gave. Perry’s defense team is seeking to disqualify McCrum on a technicality, not the merits of the case.

They claim the cases are invalid because of the order in which paper work was filed. Perry claims the Texas Constitution requires a special prosecutor must sign and file an anti-bribery statement and that’s what Perry is hanging his hat on.

Remember Perry was indicted by a bi-partisan grand jury, not one picked by the former District Attorney Rose Mary Lehmberg, who Perry blames for what he calls politically motivated charges.

However, she had nothing to do with the case.

Judge Richardson appointed McCrum and impaneled the special grand jury.

Now Richardson must rule if the indictments are legal or throw them out on technical grounds.

Let me ask you, do you want to place your bets as to how this Republican judge will rule? A technicality is all the Perry defense could find but it puts Judge Richardson in the hot seat.

You can just imagine how much pressure has been put on him from Republicans across the country.

My bet is that he will fold and the Perry case will be swept under the rug.

Remember, the special prosecutor, McCrum, also a Republican, has no political motivation in this case.

Perry was indicted fair and square.

The judge will rule on when McCrum signed a statement, before or after he was sworn in.

It would be laughable if it wasn’t a serious charge by a grand jury that spent many months on the case.


We were sorry to hear about the death of Eula Mae “Granny Peanut” Leleux, 91, of Port Neches, who passed away Nov. 4.

She is survived by four daughters and one son.

Granny had eight grandchildren and 43 great-grandchildren and 30 great-great-grandchildren.

One grandchild, Pattie Hanks, was former editor for this publication.

Her parents are Lucy and Rene Hanks of Starks, LA. Pattie is now employed by the Las Vegas school district.

Pattie and her entire family drove down from Vegas for the funeral Saturday, Nov. 8.

Pattie visited with us Tuesday.

It was good to see our friend and former editor but unfortunately it was due to a sad occasion.

“Granny Peanut” was the family matriarch and a special lady with a remarkable personality.

May she rest in peace.


10 Years Ago-2004

Judge Pat Clark and Attorney Sharon Bearden are both playing with and bragging about new grand babies.*****There were nine girls involved in “Locks of Life“ They all agreed to grow 10 inches of hair and donate it to a cancer child who had no hair.

A dinner honoring them was held at Tequila’s in Bridge City.

The girls are Brittany Allen, Emily Eaves, Miranda Fisette, Emily Ginn, Chelsa Palmer, Carissa Thomas, Alex Vandenheiden and Molly Wappler.

The girls cared for their hair, kept it healthy and months later, with tears in their eyes, parted with their beautiful locks for a good cause.*****A local woman, Sandra Delay, began the organization “People Helping People” and was featured in “People’s” magazine.

She and her husband Willie started out in an old gas station after struggling with poverty and losing one of their five children in an auto accident.

They are dedicated to helping families and older citizens with food, beds, washers and dryers, school clothes and everyday supplies.

They also provide funds for electricity and other utilities regardless of race.

Darlene Montagne, of Bridge City, says she and husband Johnny have helped the Delays for years.

“People magazine couldn’t have chosen anyone better than Sandra. She is passionate about helping people.” (Editor’s note: It was great work Sandra and Willie did.

I wonder what they are doing today and is the organization still operating.)*****Secretary of State Colin Powell says he will not stay for a second term under George W. Bush.

He opposed the invasion of Iraq and was embarrassed by his presentation to the U.N. It was expected that Bush would name Condoleezza Rice to succeed Powell.

(Editor’s note: The U.S. went on to occupy Iraq which has led to many of the problems we have today with ISIS, made up largely of former Iraqi soldiers from the Ba‘ath Party.

That was the worse foreign policy mistake in my lifetime and has led to many problems for the U.S. since.*****The West Orange-Stark 2004 Mustangs will have good memories for years to come despite a 30-28 loss to Huffman. LeKeith Ford closed the season with 17 touchdowns.

The Mustangs, in their first year in 24-3A, are district champions.

They got there by beating Bridge City 27-21 in overtime.

WO-S recovered a Bridge City fumble and Ford scored the overtime touchdown.*****The Texas Aggies beat Texas Tech 32-25 in overtime.

WO-S star Kenny Franks caught two great passes, one for 48 yards and one for a TD.*****Bridge City falls to Barbers Hill 31-14 in bi-district game.*****Sean Cade Gros celebrates his 14th birthday.*****Ms.

Phyl is in Hot Springs where her mom Amy is in grave condition.*****Ruth “Bear” and Richard Corder celebrates 41 years of marriage on Nov. 14.

52 Years Ago-1962

1962 Tigers called “The Zing Along Gang.” I’ve been following Orange County football for over 60 years and I don’t believe any team ever had more talent than Stark High did in 1962.

Wallace High, the Black team under coach Willie Ray Smith and player Ernie Ladd had great teams in the 1950’s; Bridge City and the Steve Worster gang went to the state playoffs in 1965 and won it in 1966.

There was all the great championship teams at West Orange-Stark after integration but man to man, the 62’ Tigers were one of those rare times when the milk is almost all cream.

They lost in the semi-final game 13-20 to Pharr San Juan Alamo, played in Victoria, without All American quarterback David Foster and wingback Dan Sears, two key spokes in the perfect wheel.

They were a three TD favorite with Foster playing.

The stars on the team included almost the entire team.

Billy Wayne Fisette was something else, he scored the first TD in the last loss, catching a pass from Steve Korby, replacing Foster. The Tigers led 7-6 at the half.

In the beginning of the second half Danny Potter returned the kickoff 94 yards for a 13-6 Tiger lead before last minute turn arounds blew the game.

Frank Beauchamp was named the year’s best defensive player.

Coach Ted Jefferies, a coach blessed with players like Charlie Owen, Curtis Hodge, Richard Copeland, R.C. Slocum, Dickie Colburn, Quincy Procell, Jack MacLelland and many more.

Some of the kids in school at the time that I recall supporting their Tigers were freshmen David Claybar, Rex McCorquodale, Joey Robins, who became a star himself, M.B. Slocum and Jeep Colburn. Sophomores who stand out in my mind were Judy Spector, Randy “Skeeter” Stark, David Frenzel, Billy Barton, who passed on years ago and T-Ray Foreman. Juniors wondering around the campus were Dan Harris, Wanda Holts, who was raised in the county jail, J.B. Bearden, who became a baseball coach and died at a young age and Theresa Adams,who was chasing after Beauchamp and finally caught him.

Seniors Tommy Harmon, recently retired from the Port of Orange, Benny Mazzola, Sammy Marion “Elvis” Owens, retired.

Anthony Pendleton, first generation removed from England, Johnny Veatts, Tomas Barret, one of the famous Barret’s.

I wonder who remembers Percy VonEye and his sister Belva Joyce or pretty Janet Roach, Clytie Rudeseal, Speed and John Lea, Richard Terry or beautiful Peggy Roberts? What about Jo Hanna Leister who was football sweetheart, Maac Hughes, who is still around in Bridge City.

Here’s something you might not know.

Pretty Pauline Colburn was 8th grade class favorite is today Dr.

Pauline Hargrove, superintendent of schools at Little Cypress-Mauriceville, Richard Ramira Travino became “Ricky” former mayor of Pinehurst.

I bet everyone remembers coaches Ben Hart and John Certa. Not many will remember Coach Ralph Smith, who played for A&M and didn’t stay around long.

Just a few folks around in the great Tiger year of 1962.

I believe 13 players got major college scholarship offers.

Of course we know that R.C. Slocum is the winningest coach in Texas A&M history.


Earl Duhon, manager at Dupuis Tire and Service Center needs our help.

Earl, one of those hardworking, conscientious guys recently was diagnosed with colon cancer.

Earl is without insurance and will need help for blood work, MRI’s, and all that follows.

Donations can be made by linking in to https:www.gofundme.com/gx7yz8***** InTexas’ gerrymandered districts, 27 Republicans were elected.

Only nine districts out of 36 are Democratic.

Most of our 36 congressmen are from big city areas like Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio.*****We haven’t heard much about the Ebola epidemic in the U.S. since the elections are over.*****By the way, exit polls showed that 87 percent disapproved of the job congress is doing, only 13 percent approve, yet they sent 85 percent back to congress.

Go figure.

That same poll showed Obama with a 43 percent approval.*****We were sorry to learn that attorney Lynwood Sanders had undergone surgery to remove a part of his foot.

We wish him a speedy recovery and God speed.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will meet at Robert’s this week and at Novrozsky’s next.

The group enjoys visiting and the fellowship of friends.

Everyone is welcome.

Join in and break bread with a great bunch of folks.*****Our longtime buddy Joe Heinen recently had double bypass surgery and is staying in Lake Charles recovering.

Joe still owns Honey B. Hams in that city.

If you are going through Lake Charles stop for a visit or if you need a Honey Bee ham for Thanksgiving he can fix you up.

Joe’s a good guy.

We hope his heart problems are behind him.*****A few folks we know celebrating their special day: On Nov. 12, our buddy Sean Cade Gros, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard stationed in New York, celebrates his big day.

Also celebrating are these fine folks, Lou Brackin, whose claim to fame is being Evelyn Brandon’s cousin, pretty Jeanne Blacksher, Liz Briggs, Sharon Sims, Matthew Ethredge and Larry Gnnter.

They share birthdays with singer Neil Young, 68, Actress Anne Hathaway, 31 and Olympian Nadia Comaneci, 52.*****Nov. 13 finds Dorothy Roddam’s lovely daughter Darla Murphy celebrating as does Karen Schrieber, Kimberly Ray, Michele Fontenot and Daniel Chesson.

They join Whoopi Goldberg, 58 and Jimmy Kimmel, 46.

Also on this day Debbie and David Fusilier celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary, an event we attended.

Today, they are grandparents.

Congrats to this great couple.

Also this date would have marked the birthday of the late Kathy Roberts, Kree’s mom and Wilson and Beverly’s daughter.*****On Nov. 15, a good guy Julian Ocequera celebrates as does Kelli Peery Lindsey, Elton Myers, Chris Ford, Nikki Courtney, Glenda Dixon and Madison Miller.

They share a birthday with actor Ed Asner, 84, singer Petula Clark, 81 and TV judge Joseph Wapner, 94.*****On Nov. 16, MCT president, B.C. grad Thad Angelle celebrates also former WalMart employee Mary Loyd, Pete Gresham, Allene Manuel, Rebecca Collins and RaeAnna Todora. They join Lisa Bonet, 46 and actress Marg Helgenberger, 55.*****On Nov. 17, Richard’s mom, Barbara Briggs, celebrates as does Phyllis’ longtime hubby Kenneth Haas, a special lady Reba Eddins is also a year older as is Patsy Brister, Taylor Trevino, Nancy Aycock, Kathy Taylor and Laurie Kosh. They join actors Danny DeVito, 61, and Lauren Hutton, 70 and singer Gordon Lightfoot, 75.*****On Nov. 18, Janet Brunell Champagne celebrates as does Melanie Claybar, Aimee Huckabay, Lyndsie Neie, Bryan Garrett, Mickey Smith, Tim Bayliss, Justin McCullough and the lovely Theresa Evans. They join actress Linda Evans, 71, actor Owen Wilson, 45 and comedian Kevin Nealon, 60.*****I believe D.A. John Kimbrough, who has been sharp at picking college football winners all season, had a set back last Saturday.

If I recall correctly, he picked Auburn over A&M. The Aggies won 41-38.

He picked Oklahoma over Baylor, the Bears won 48-14.

TCU beat Kansas St. and I’m not sure but I believe he picked LSU over Alabama.

The Tide won 20-13.

I tried to confirm that with Gary Stelly but he couldn’t remember for sure if John had picked LSU. Maybe John will bounce back this week.

He makes his predictions at half time on KOGT’S Game of the Week.


Jeanne Blacksher, Tina Duncan, Kathy Reeves, Larry Gunter, Liz Briggs, Matthew Ethredge, Norma Rampmaier, Phillip Kimbrow, Sharon Sims, Shelby Newton, Cyndi Longlois, Steve Fisher, Carol Ware, Charmaine Faircloth, Clara Edwards, Crystal Jones, Pat Stanton, Don Stanton, Danielle Graffagnino, Karla Holden, Kimberly Ray, Mary Cassidy, Michele Fontenot, Karen Schrieber, Carol Lopez, Sidney LeBlanc, Tim Johnson, Cecilia Broussard, Daniel Chesson, Darla Murphy, Donald Miller, Cody Edgerton, Paul Smith, Katie Hoffpauir, Ruby Wimberley, Kristina Schisler, Lauren Fruge, Ella Jo Gosset, Lauren Peet, Traci Birmingham, Mary Dixon, Pat Gifford, Susie Riedel, Vicci Milligan, Anna Cappandona, Casey Smith, Dana Perkins, Fred Fuselier, Hattie Arnold, Judie Wilson, Julian Oceguera, Cynthia Graham, Julie Smith, Glenda Dixon, Stuart Bertles, Kelli Peery, Lndsey Franklin, Nikki Courtney, Shane Preston, Travis Sheppard, Wade Barron, Wally Sieck, Carol Izer, Chris Ford, Cora Betzen, Elton Myers, Madison Miller, Marie Richard, Clarissa Cortez, Amaris Brown, Allene Manuel, Servet Satir, Mary Loyd, Pete Gresham, Rebecca Collins, Thad Angelle, Bryson McFarland, Chris Byers, RaeAnna Todora, Dwayne Duncan, Dyanna Sandlin, Martha Foley, Laurie Kosh, Nancy Aycock, Patsy Brister, Reba Eddins, Barbara Briggs, Barbara Musser, Chuck Kirby, Katy Taylor, Kenneth Haas, Theresa Evans, Lyndsie Neie, Melanie Claybar, Bryan Garrett, Leroy Gomez, Mickey Smith, Sam Thomas, Tim Bayliss, Aimee Huckabay, Celeste Hart, James Cornell, Kevin LeCourtere,, Jonathan Vogt, Justin McCullough and Stephanie Williams.


We received a letter from Cussin Sostan but it’s too long to publish in it’s entirety but we’ll repeat wats up wit his brudder-in-law Otto Badeaux. Sostan says he’s a real pain in da behind, complains bout everyting him.

Well, Badeaux was in da hospital, after having had a throat operation, and couldn’t sollow anyting him, but every day he drive da nurses crazy demanding dat he get his morning coffee. Finally dey can’t stand it no moe, so da head nurse Ms. Arseneaux goes to Dr. Comeaux an axe if old man Badeaux can have some coffee cause he’s drivin her nurses crazy.

At first Dr. Comeaux say no.

Da nurse say, “Please.”

Da doctor say, “Mais okay, if he wants coffee dat bad him, but he will have to take it in an enema.”

Nurse Arseneaux tank da doctor and cheerfully return to Badeaux’s room and tell him wat da doctor say.

“Not like dat,” Badeaux say.

“Dats da only way,” nurse Arseneaux say.

“Okay,” Badeaux said reluctantly, “Me, I’m dying for some coffee.”

To revenge all dem days he had given dem such a bad time, da nurse heat dat coffee hot, hot and return to Badeaux’s room and say, “Okay, Mr. Badeaux, turn over.”

She insert dat tube and pur dat smoking coffee in it.

Badeaux, him, he yell, “Yeoweeee!”

Da nurse, fighting back a grin axe, “Wat’s da matter, Mr. Badeaux, is it too hot?”

Badeaux replied, “Noooo, too sweet.”


I was very impressed with Jo-Jo Harris’ presentation of her family business, Farmer’s Mercantile, on “Texas Country Reporter” Sunday night.

Bob Phillips did a good job featuring Orange County’s most unique retail outlet.

I first visited Gus Harris’ mercantile in 1949.

My dad and I, after getting haircuts at the Holland Hotel barber shop, where Joe Blanda was a barber, walked across the street to the store.

Dad bought a small rope and bridle.

There wasn’t anything unique about the place back then.

Every town had mercantile stores, some several.

That was before super stores and today’s big box stores.

Today, Farmer’s Mercantile store is unique because it remains virtually as it was 100 years ago when the Harris family first opened it.

Gus came on board after the war.

I remember Mr. Turner, Helen Ratcliff and a bunch of other hands who helped maneuver folks around the store much like Jo-Jo and the employees do today.

You can still find many of the old items but over the years, new and modern farm products have come on the market.

When you walk into this Orange landmark, you are walking back in time, when life was simpler, slower and the customers took time to visit about farm crops, their gardens, or the cattle business.

Every time I stop by the store I see someone I have not come across in quite a while.

On my last visit I ran into Ernie Willy and son Sam. For years we were next-door neighbors to the mercantile store, in the Opportunity Valley News building.

This time of year Gus always kept peanuts roasting on the stove.

Surely Jo-Jo is still roasting peanuts.

I buy all my plants there, even though over the years, the size of my crop has gotten smaller and smaller.

Farmer’s Mercantile is one of our treasures, like the Stark Museum, Lutcher Theater and Shangri La. So next time you have out of town guest take them for a trip into the past, when their grandmother was a little girl, and the mercantile store was like going to today’s super market.

Hopefully, it will be around for many years until my grandchildren are old folks.

*****I’d better shut this down.

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